
N&R sports editor Tucker McLaughlin covering ACC basketball. (Photo by Doug Doughty)

McLaughlin was presented the 2022 ACC Marvin “Skeeter” Francis Award by Dave Dorian,left, director of the Atlantic Coast Sports Media Association, who traveled to Halifax for the occasion. Also pictured is Brett Friedlander, right, sportswriter with the North State Journal.

One of the consistent voices promoting VIR since Harvey and I brought it back to life in 2000 was Tucker McLaughlin. He has spoken about VIR in thousands of newspaper articles, touted VIR’s accomplishments to various representatives throughout the Commonwealth, and has been a fixture on-site talking with countless spectators and fans for more than 20 years. Tucker has been a big part of VIR’s evolving legacy and his enthusiasm made a great impact. We will all miss his larger than life personality and presence.

-Connie Nyholm, Co-Owner and CEO VIRginia International Raceway


To read the full obituary in honor of Tucker McLaughlin click here.