
VIR Policies

For more in depth information please review our policies.

Access Roads – Absolutely no Testing, Cool Downs, Brake Bedding, Burnouts or Speeding is permitted on any roads at VIR, at any time.  This activity is reserved for the restricted areas of the racetrack and skid pad only.  See also the Vehicle Testing section of this policy.    

Admission – VIR is a private, gated, for profit organization; therefore, any person entering VIR is subject to paying the Facility Access Fee, buying a spectator ticket (depending on event or activity), providing identification/series credential on demand or producing a valid VIR hard card or signing the waiver to enter the facility.  For non-spectator events where the renting organization conducts registration in the designated Staging/Registration area, VIR will permit entry to all registered Participants with credentials as provided to VIR by the renter.  For other non-spectator events, VIR will permit access to the Participant and 1 Guest/Crewmember unless written approval for additional persons has been granted by VIR.  Any additional Guests/Crew members who have not been approved are subject to paying the Facility Access Fee or purchasing a Spectator Ticket as applicable. 

VIR Club Members are permitted access to public and restricted events by showing their VIR issued hard card credential and having it scanned.  Club Members are not permitted entry to events designated as “No Entry”.  VIR Club Members may bring Guests to VIR Club events.  Any Guests not arriving with the Club Member need to be listed at the gate.  Club Member Guests are subject to the Facility Access Fee or spectator ticket price for all other events. 

Tenant Business Employees are permitted access to events if they are credentialed by a track Renter or sanctioning body of an Event or a registered vendor or they are providing support to a registered Participant of the Event.    Customers of a business at VIR who are not participating in a track event are subject to the Facility Access or spectator fee. 

Adverse Weather – Track activity or Events may be stopped at times due to adverse weather.  The Manager on Duty may call to cease all outdoor activity and call in all staff when lightning strikes within 8-10 miles of the Facility.  Outdoor activity may resume after the last reported lightning strike and the Manager on Duty gives the all clear.    

Cessation of Track Activity is at the discretion of the Manager on duty and based on the storm path and characteristics when lightning is reported 8-10 miles away from the track. 

Please be aware that in the event of severe weather, tents, awnings other shelters may not be adequate protection.  Remember safety is a personal responsibility, please have a plan.

Alcohol – Beer and wine are available for sale through Taylor Hospitality at VIR’s concession stands and in Connie’s Pub located at the Oak Tree Tavern. Alcoholic beverages in coolers (No glass bottles) are permitted for individual consumption.  Sale, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages must be in compliance with the Commonwealth of Virginia ABC Regulations.  VIR requires that all individuals consuming alcohol do so responsibly while maintaining orderly conduct.  No drinking or consumption prior to driving/riding on the track, which includes the kart track, is permitted at any time. Outside alcohol is not allowed at the Oak Tree Tavern or in Connie’s Pub at any time. VIR and their Food and Beverage Management company reserve the right to not serve individuals if we deem it appropriate.  VIR does not condone excessive use of alcohol, impaired driving or the use of illegal substances. 

Asphalt Pounding stakes or making holes in any asphalt surface or the use of paint or spray markings of any type on any asphalt surface is prohibited.  Offenders will be held liable for all damages and may be ejected and refused re-entry.  VIR requests anyone refueling in the paddock use a drip pan to catch spilled fuel.  Any fuel spills on any paved surface must be immediately diluted with Cold Fire.  Cold Fire can be obtained, from EMS or Security Staff in the paddock.  Immediate notification of fuel spills will not incur any fees for the application of Cold Fire.   If you must temporarily raise a vehicle on asphalt or utilize landing gear with a trailer, you must have metal or wood under the jack and jack stands.  NO EXCEPTIONS!  Violators are subject to a $500 fee per damaged/marked area. 

Bicycles – Children are not permitted to ride bikes, rollerblades, skates, or scooters in the Paddock during hot track hours.  Children may be permitted to ride them at the end of the day if they do so safely.  Hoverboards, skateboards or single-wheeled vehicles are not permitted for use at VIR at any time.

Camping information

Camping Policy

Canopies Canopies or “EZ-Ups” will not be placed in front of any tent or facility designated as a hospitality area.  Additionally, they will not be placed within 50 feet of any fence in a spectator area unless a specific spectator area has been roped off.  In this case, canopies or “EZ-Ups” can be placed anywhere outside of the roped-off spectator viewing area. The canopy owner is responsible for any damage caused by their canopy if it is caught by the wind and carried into persons and or objects.

*VIR reserves the right to modify this policy for select spectator events.

Catering – Any renter, participant, business, Tenant, Property Owner or organization at VIR must have any outside catering approved by VIR Food and Beverage (Taylor Hospitality, See Food and Beverage Service/Catering under the Services Offered at VIR Section of this policy); and are subject to Taylor Hospitality’s catering buyout fee if choosing to bring in outside catering. VMTP Property Owners and Tenants must show proof of a Banquet ABC permit to serve alcohol. Any Food Service Vendor/Catering service that arrives at VIR without prior approval will not be permitted to enter the facility. If there are any questions, please contact AdriAnna Foley at .

Charitable Groups Donation RequestsThe primary charitable groups VIR works with are:  Victory Junction and Racing For Heroes. Any charitable group that would like to request a donation can follow the link to the VIR Donation Requests page.

Children – It is recommended that Children under 18 years of age are supervised by a Parent, Guardian, or Responsible Adult and must be present to sign the minor waiver to enter.   This includes sanctioned drivers (under 18) on the track, go-karting, range activities, etc. 

On VIR-sponsored/promoted Spectator Event Weekends, children 16 and under are admitted at no charge with a paying adult.  For events that are not sponsored or promoted by VIR child admission is subject to the discretion of the Sponsor/Promoter for that event.

Campfires/Cookouts in the Paddock –Open Fires of any kind are not permitted in any of the Paddocks at any time.  Unmodified production based and branded residential gas grills may be used in the paddock by participants for cooking meals.  Large group feedings are not permitted without a catering buyout by the renter.  Unmodified production based and branded gas fire pits may be used when the track is cold.  Operators of gas grills/fire pits are responsible to make sure all fuel and other sources of ignition are secured and stored away from any flame. 

Course Direction – At all times, course direction is clockwise on North, South, Full and Grand Courses.  The Patriot Course is run counter-clockwise only.

Damages to Property – All Participants, Spectators, and Guests of VIR are responsible for any property they damage while on the facility. 

Disposal of Waste Fluid and Environmental Debris Use of the Safety Kleen waste drums is mandatory for used oil, antifreeze, brake fluid, and other polluting material.  Spillage will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from the facility. Participants must remove all used tires, batteries, and unwanted parts. Environmental debris left behind will result in fines to the Renter based on cleanup costs.

Owners and Tenants are responsible for their own trash. Under no circumstances shall trash be brought on VIR property and placed in VIR dumpsters without prior written permission from VIR management. Owners and Tenants shall not place trash or storage items outside.

VIR does not permit Chlorinated Brake Cleaner on property.  If you have questions, please contact VIR Maintenance Director, Ben Farmer at 

Drones (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) 

Electric Vehicles (EVs):  Charging:  The Electric Vehicle charging station in the Raceplex is the designated EV charging area.  EVs are not permitted to charge at power poles or outlets located anywhere else on the property.  Storage: EVs of any type are not permitted to be stored in any long or short-term garage at VIR.  Electric Bikes and scooters are not permitted inside lodge rooms or other VIR buildings at any time and are not permitted to be charged from a building outlet. 

Emergency Information – For any non-track related fire or medical emergency please dial 911.  All VIR phones will dial directly to the Halifax County Emergency Communications Center.  VIR Security can be reached at 434-822-3109 or 434-250-4386 (Cell).  Lodging guests at the Lodge and the Pit Lane Rooms can use the emergency phones located at those facilities, which ring directly to the Security Gate House.  VIR has full-time 24-hour Security Staff except for posted shutdown times for Holidays.

Extended Parking – VIR, at its discretion and space permitting, may provide extended parking for VIR Club Members, Property Owners, Tenants, Renters and Participants of track events.  Extended parking will be in designated areas only and is coordinated through the VIR Security Director, Dennis Haley, at  Any one leaving a vehicle/trailer at VIR must complete the extended parking form and turn it in with payment at the Main Security Gate.  Vehicle/Trailer owners will be issued a numbered sticker that must be placed on the trailer tongue or vehicle windshield for identification. Only vehicles/trailers associated with events at VIR can be stored in Extended Parking.  All long-term storage is paid for the first month on the date of storage, and following payments are made on a recurring basis monthly set up by VIR.  All charges are per month, VIR does not prorate storage fees. VIR is not responsible for any loss or damage to any vehicle/trailer left on property. 

Extended parking is not permitted at any time in the staging area.   

Extended Parking Form

False Grid and Pavilion – The false grid is reserved for use by the Track Renter at all times.  Its use is for staging cars/motorcycles prior to entry on the track.  Parking is prohibited in the false grid and the Pavilion (next to the Skid Pad). Displays set up in the Pavilion that requires the use of a vehicle must have the consent of VIR.  Absolutely no jacks or jack stands are allowed in either location for staging or displays. 

Camping and or vehicle maintenance are not allowed at the False Grid, The Pagoda Concession or Pavilion at any time.

Fences – Areas inside the Track Fence, Pond Fence, or any spectator barriers (Rope/snow fence/bicycle fence), are restricted area and off-limits to the public.  At no time is anyone authorized to climb or modify a fence or bypass a gate.  Anything tied to or attached to any fencing must have been approved in writing by VIR.

Banners are NOT permitted to be hung or attached to the fence along Pit Lane at any time. 

Firearms – VIR is a privately owned facility and as such firearms and weapons of any type are not permitted on the facility regardless of any permit an individual may possess. 

Fire Lane – Fire Lanes in each Paddock (outlined in yellow) must remain clear at all times.  This includes in front of Victory Lane and the “No Parking” lane in front of the Pagoda in the North Paddock, and South Paddock Timing Tower.  

Fire Suits If you are running a track-prepared car you must wear a fire suit. A “Track Prepared Car” is defined as any vehicle in which the cockpit has been altered or modified in any way so that any part of the chassis or any firewall has been exposed. This will be enforced by the track renter unless waived under contract.

Fireworks – Fireworks are prohibited anywhere on the grounds.

Fishing – Fishing anywhere on VIR property is prohibited. 


Garages – VIR offers multiple Garage rental options. Please see options below.

Long Term Garages

Grid 9 Garage

North Paddock Garages

Gate Hours The main gate is generally open 24 hours.  Participants are not allowed into the Paddock before 6:00 p.m. on the day before their Event.

Golf Carts – Golf Cart rentals are handled by the Golf Cart Guy at the following link:

Lost and Found:  The Lost and Found is located at the VIR main Security Gate on Pine Tree Road.  Please call 434-822-3109.

Military Discount Program:  VIR will admit any Active Duty Military Service Member free of charge for all VIR-sponsored/promoted events with valid ID; Military Veterans will receive a 50% discount for all events with valid ID.  VIR will accept any form of ID that indicates military service: Active, Guard, Reserve IDs, Retirement IDs, Department of Veterans Affairs IDs, any state driver’s license that indicates the holder is a Veteran, DD 214s, and other discharge documents with a photo ID. Please direct questions about acceptable ID to VIR’s Security Manager, at

Military discounts for events that are not sponsored or promoted by VIR are subject to the discretion of the Sponsor/Promoter for that event. 

Off-Road Areas – The off-road areas within VIR are not authorized for use without prior written approval of VIR.  Violators of this policy are considered trespassing and are subject to removal from the property.    

Official Time – The atomic clock that states official VIR time is located in the North Paddock EMS office adjacent to the weather station.  This clock is the basis for hot hours, quiet time, incident time, etc at the track.  All renters will synchronize with this clock for official VIR time.

Paddock Access – Participants and spectators are permitted unrestricted vehicle access to the paddock during most events.  Renting Organizations or Series Renters or Sanctioning Bodies may restrict access to the paddock.  If paddock access is restricted, the Renting Organization or Series Renter or Sanctioning Body will provide VIR Security with a copy of the paddock access pass.  Only vehicles with the issued pass will be permitted to drive into the paddock.  Renters are billed for any additional staff to control access if personnel are not provided by the renting organization. 

Paddock access for incoming renters is at 5:30 pm for Advance Party/Staff and 6:30 pm for participants the day prior to an Event or when the track is cold for the day whichever is later. Early access to property the day before the track rental is subject to VIR’s discretion and is not included in the track rental.   

Parking Areas Vehicle parking at VIR will vary per Event and will be directed by either Event Personnel or VIR Security Personnel. VIR requests that all Participants, Spectators, Tenants, Property Owners, and Guests obey all posted “No Parking” signs; do not block gates, garage doors, or roadways at any time. VIR reserves the right to ask any vehicle owner in violation to move his vehicle or it will be towed at the owner’s expense.  Participants who require extended parking must complete the form provided by VIR Security, pay the parking fee in advance, and will park their vehicles as directed by VIR Security (See Trailer Storage). 

VMTP Tenants and Property Owners are permitted to park at their shops in the designated parking spots. Please always keep parked vehicles in an organized and orderly way to express purpose and to not have things looking junky.

VMTP Trailer parking will not block paved areas if it impacts an adjoining Property Owner’s or Tenant’s ability to access other paved areas. VMTP lots are not to be used for general vehicle or trailer storage unless there is written approval by VIR. Any trailers stored in the VMTP need to be registered and tagged by VIR Security.

Trailer parking is not permitted at the Lodge; overnight guests with trailers can leave them in the Paddock if with a renting organization or at the trailer parking area in the VMTP or other area as directed by VIR Security.   

Pit Lane Rooms and Paddock Garage Parking – The Grid in front of the Pit Lane Rooms and Paddock Garages will be lined off for parking in the following manner.  The numbered spaces in front of the pit road garages are reserved for the trailer and tow vehicle of the Garage Renter.  Additional vehicles for the Renter must be parked the designated space or in other areas of the Paddock.  There are no reserved parking spaces for Pit Lane Room Renters.   

Pets  VIR discourages bringing pets to the track. If pets are brought to the track, they must be on a leash at all times controlled by the Owner/Handler.  The Owner/Handler is responsible for providing their own waste-handling supplies and to clean up behind the pet at ALL times.  Owners/Handlers who do not comply with this policy may be removed from the premises.  Pets are not permitted in the False Grid, Pit Road, Restricted Areas or any of VIR’s buildings, concession, or lodging facilities.  If pets are found in lodging buildings, guests are subject to a cleaning fee of $200 for The Lodge at VIR and the Pit Lane Rooms and $400 at The Villas at South Bend. Please do not leave pets in vehicles unattended.  Service Animals are permitted in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 


Photo/Video Rights – Participants, Guests, and Spectators agree that while on VIRginia International Raceway Property, VIR or its designee may use your image or likeness in any photography and/or video that is captured while you are visiting the VIR Property.  You agree that your image or likeness may be reproduced by VIR or its designee in any advertising, website, promotional piece, or video that VIR or its designee creates whether for use at the facility or for use in any advertising, broadcasting, or media outlets VIR or its designee chooses.  You agree that any captured image of you is freely given while at VIR and that you will not attempt to restrict VIR’s or its designee’s use of your likeness/image or seek compensation for same.  All rights to broadcast, record, photograph, repeat, reproduce, or recreate VIR events are reserved by VIR.  Those entering this facility agree not to take any action or cause others to take action that would infringe upon VIR’s rights. 

Pit Road – Only Participants and Crew are allowed to enter Pit Road.  There are three entrance points in the North Paddock (Gates P1, P2 and P3).  The sidewalk beside the Pit Road Fence is not a vehicle parking area and must remain clear for pedestrian foot traffic.  Participants are identified by armband or identification card as issued by Renter or Sanctioning Body of a race.  Minors are restricted from entering Pit Lane, unless they are a certified Competitor in their racing vehicle or during scheduled Spectator Events on Pit Lane. Refueling on Pit Lane is only permitted during scheduled racing Events. All other times refueling must be done in the Paddock area.

Pit Wall Painting, writing, or standing on pit lane and pit wall is prohibited.   

Quiet Hours – Quiet hours for the entire VIR Property are from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.  This includes all lodging, camping, and Industrial areas.  VIR asks that all guests be considerate of others and not play loud music.  Any music that is determined to be a nuisance by VIR Security must be turned down or off.  Unmuffled engines (vehicles) must not be run between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.

Race Circuit Hours On a standard track rental the track is hot from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  Additional track time is charged at an hourly rate for the rental in quarter-hour segments for any time outside of the hot track hours. This will include an hour charge for running through the worker lunch break. 

Right of Way Drivers of any non-racing vehicle will yield the right of way to any Race Vehicle at all times.  Due to the constraints of safety equipment and vehicle design, drivers of racing vehicles may have limited visibility or mobility while operating their vehicle.  Operators of racing vehicles will obey posted speed limits and traffic control devices to include instructions from VIR Security Staff.

Services Offered at VIR:  VIR offers both in-house services and outside services for participants and spectators. See the following links for services:

VIR Services 

Outside Services

Shipping – The Renter is responsible for shipments to VIR by its Participants. The Shipping address for participants is:            

                                           Name / Team / Series

                                           Contact Phone Number

                                           c/o Virginia International Raceway

                                           1012 Raceplex Drive, Alton, VA  24520


Requests by Participants, Renters or Sanctioning Bodies for VIR staff to unload or move large objects with forklift or lull are subject to a $40 service fee per unit lifted as requested by a renter or team.  The fee is charged to the Participant or added to a Renter/Sanctioning Body’s track invoice.  This includes shipments that require VIR equipment and an operator to unload and move pallets, motors, boxes, tires, displays etc. 

Signage – Renters and Promoters who have their own sponsors and partners may be in conflict with VIR sponsors and partners. If no conflict exists between sponsors and partners, track renters may display their signage on the property during their event.  At no time can any VIR sponsor or partner signage be removed, damaged, or covered.  At the conclusion of the event, the renter is responsible for removing any signage displayed for their event.  Renters may be charged, at the discretion of VIR, a removal fee for any signage not removed after an event.  Track Renters and/or Promoters who wish to display signage must submit a signage plan to the VIR Director of Marketing, Mike Rose at no later than two weeks prior to the event date for approval. 

Skid Pad – The Skid Pad is for scheduled driving events or parking only.

Smoking – Smoking in any VIR building is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.  Please place all extinguished cigarettes in the receptacles provided. Smoking is not permitted inside the “hot” fence of the track or on pit lane

Speed Limits Speed limit in the Paddock, in front of the Lodge and South Bend Road (Villas) is 15 mph. Speed limit on access roads is 25 mph. All off-road vehicles are subject to these speed limits.  All vehicles must stop at the gatehouse entry point and at any location where VIR Security Personnel are posted.  For the safety of Pedestrians and general traffic flow, VIR does not permit “cruising” at any time. 

Start Tower – The Start Tower is for authorized personnel only.    

Tire Warmers – When using tire warmers, no more than three are permitted to be hooked up to any power pole or in any garage at any one time.  The use of more than three tire warmers will overload the circuit and trip the breaker.

Tow Eyes – It is strongly recommended (and required for non-street-legal cars) that all vehicles have at least two (2) easily accessible and usable tow eyes on the front and rear of the car. They must not protrude dangerously from the car, and they must be accessible without manipulation of the bodywork or panels. They must be strong enough to support the weight of the car.  If no tow eyes are available, the towing crew will hook onto other areas that may cause damage to the car. Neither the towing crew nor VIR is responsible or liable for that damage.  Again, TOW EYES ARE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.

Trailer Drops On the day prior to Renter’s Event, trailer drops may be provided as a courtesy, at VIR’s discretion.  Trailer drops are typically allowed from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., but there are occasions when this is not possible, due to that day’s track rental.  It is the Renter’s responsibility to inform its Participants of these restrictions.  Participants will not be admitted if they arrive early.

Trailer Storage – Participants/guests may store trailers at VIR for short specified times.  Any trailer stored will be in the designated area of the RacePlex and all must be registered with Security and display the registration sticker.  Storage fees are $2 per foot for an enclosed trailer and $25 for an open trailer per month.  Trailers left over the time frame with no owner contact are considered abandoned and will be towed at the owner’s expense to Brann’s Towing, Roxboro, NC 336-599-1910.  Trailers/vehicles stored at VIR may be moved at the discretion of VIR staff as needed for operations.  VIR is not responsible for any damage to any trailer/vehicle that is stored on VIR property.

Unregistered Vehicle Policy 

Purchase your Unregistered Vehicle Pass

Vehicles:  VIR reserves the right to search all property and vehicles entering the facility.

Vehicle Testing – No testing of vehicles or fast driving is allowed outside of designated areas such as the Grand, Full, North, South and Patriot Courses and the Skidpad. Raceplex and VMTP Owners and Tenants are eligible for track testing, pursuant to VIR Lunchtime Testing Policies (available at the Administration Office). Owners and Tenants having lunchtime testing privileges must have annual or event insurance (primary insurer) to cover the testing period. VIR must be named additional insured (as per the Lease language on insurance and named insured).  Owners and Tenants who violate this policy are subject to fees to cover full-time security staff to patrol the area for one month. 

Vehicle Washing – Parts may not be washed over the wash rack, only vehicles. Solvents, oil, coolants, etc. must be disposed of in a legally-approved method and cannot be put down any drain, including the wash rack drain. Also, please guard against gasoline and oil spilling on the asphalt, as it causes deterioration. Clean up any spills on the asphalt with a grease-absorbing product. If VIR personnel have to clean up an Owner’s or Tenant’s spill, the Owner or Tenant will be charged for this service. If washing mud and dirt from vehicles, please clean up the area where the vehicle was cleaned.


VIR is a private facility and admission to the Property is permitted only with VIR’s consent. General public access is restricted at all times. 

VIR reserves the right to require any person(s) that do not honor these policies to please excuse themselves from VIR Property.



Exclusion of a specific act or violation does not imply consent or approval on behalf of VIR.  VIR reserves the right to declare an act or activity in violation of policy in the best interest of VIR. 



All rights to broadcast, record, photograph, repeat, reproduce, or recreate VIR events or logos are reserved by VIR.  Those entering this facility agree not to take any action or cause others to take action that would infringe upon VIR rights. 

The Clock is Ticking! ENDS TONIGHT!

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The Clock is Ticking! ENDS TONIGHT!​

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The Clock is Ticking! ENDS TONIGHT!​

$25 off 2025

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