Conveniently located directly below the Pit Lane Suites in our North Paddock, the 15 feet by 30 feet paddock garages are a great way to keep a car or bike out of the elements. Paddock Garage rentals include electricity, work tables, and reserved trailer parking across from your unit. Paddock Garage rentals are conveniently located near the pit lane and offer an additional space option for interested teams and race drivers. Paddock Garages and Pit Lane Rooms are rented separately.
Check-in times for Lodging:
Villas (Renter Only/No Trailers) 3:00 pm
Lodge & Paddock 5:30 pm
Paddock Garages
*Check-in times may be delayed by VIR depending on track rental requirements.
Check out times for Lodging:
All rooms and villas 11:00 am
Paddock Garages
Late check-out fees:
Villas After 11:00 am/$50 After 2:00 pm/Full Night Stay
Other Rooms After 11:00 am/$50 After 2:00 pm/Full Night Stay
Garages After 6:00 pm/$50 After 8:00 pm/Full Night Stay